Visual Art Journal-For Beginners

Visual art journals are more than just art. Additionally, it’s a personal space for you to express and process your thoughts and emotions. If you’re…


Visual art journals are more than just art. Additionally, it’s a personal space for you to express and process your thoughts and emotions. If you’re just beginning to journal or you are seasoned Visual Art Journal-For Beginners is your go to blog. In this post I will talk about the supplies and reasons why you might want to start journaling. Whether you’re looking to capture moments in your life or a way to relieve stress, undeniably this post will start guiding you in the right direction.

What is Art Journaling?

You might be surprised to find out that the answer is not that simple. Art journaling can mean something different for everyone. I define a visual art journal as a personal space to be creative. There are no rules to art journaling. Its a space for you to create with what you want and enjoy it.

It can involve techniques like painting, drawing, doodling or even adding random items that you find around the house. I love collecting stamps because of the size and history behind them. I like to in cooperate those and base my art journal themes around the colors. Compared to journals that only have text, with art journaling you have both a visual and verbal creative spread.

When I journal, I like to create my spreads like a newspaper article style. I in cooperate words, and quotes with my drawing doodles. You can view one I have created here.

Creating a visual art journal does not only have to be doodling, painting, drawing. In addition it can a memory keeping spread, collages or a place to express whatever you are feeling.

You can have more than one journal if you would like as well. I have two journals that I use, one is for memory keeping and my other one is for expressing myself artistically.

Why Do People Art Journal?

People art journal for many reasons including:

  1. It can offer a creative outlet for expressing emotions and thoughts
  2. It can be a way to process experiences and can be calming for some people
  3. It’s a way for people to keep a personal record that they can look back on
  4. It can encourage people to explore a creative style without any pressure
  5. It can be a visual record for life experiences.
  6. It can be a way for someone to brainstorm new ideas

To sum it up people art journal for exploration and for self-expression. Journaling can help some people make sense of their emotions and life experiences. This is an article that further explains the health benefits of journaling. Journals are a place that can be revisited and appreciated.

I started journaling to keep a record of all my sketches for my post card illustrations. I learned that journaling helped me to brainstorm my layouts for my illustrations. It gives me a space to mess around with different doodles and words and practicing arranging them in a way I like too.

My memory journal is a space that add random keepsakes that I save from different places I visit, photos and much more. It will be my personal documented history book to my kids.

Supplies Needed

To start art journaling there are a few essential supplies that you need. You can always add or take away as you progress in your art journaling experience.

  1. A journal or sketch book: I recommend you purchase and inexpensive journal for your first time, let me tell you why. Purchasing something inexpensive reduces the pressure to create something perfect. As a beginner you’re going to be experimenting and exploring what you like. Along with that will be happy little mistakes. You can find an inexpensive journal at Walmart or even the dollar tree.
  2. Pencils and Erasers: I would keep some pencils and a good eraser handy. I typically sketch a lot of my ideas out. This is my preferred process for art journaling. You don’t have to sketch anything out if you don’t want to. Do what feels right for you.
  3. Pens and Markers: Gel pens and markers are great to use for color and contrast. My go to pen for fine detail drawings are the micron pens.
  4. Acrylic Paints or Watercolors: Watercolors can offer a transparent paint style, and you can achieve some really beautiful gradations. Acrylic paints for the most part are opaque. As a result, they would be great for backgrounds and even lettering.

So, there you have it! This will help you to get started in your art journaling path. I would love to hear how you approach your journal and what you included. I love learning about new ideas and techniques. Stay tuned for how I will be approaching my seasonal themed journal page in the next few weeks. Thank you for reading and supporting me. It means the world to me!